
RVIT stands for Realtime Visualization and Interaction Toolkit. It is an extension of kivy (http://kivy.org), designed for augmenting scientific models, simulations and other computational artifacts such as teaching tools.

RVIT’s primary design goals are to…

  • Minimise the amount of additional programming required to include realtime visualization and interaction (RVI) elements

  • Minimise constraints put upon the model (i.e. allow the model to be developed with minimal considerations as to how it will be visualized)

  • Facilitate rapid prototyping and modification of RVI elements.

  • Facilitate a greater degree of interactivity with scientific computational artifacts.

If you use RVIT in a work that is published, please cite it.

  author = {Egbert, M. D.},
  title = {RVIT: Realtime Visualization and Interaction Toolkit},
  year = {2019},
  publisher = {GitHub},
  journal = {GitHub repository},
  howpublished = {\url{https://github.com/matthew-egbert/rvit}},